Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Objectified Movie Trailer

Objectified trailer online now!


It's a new year, and here's something new to look at: the first trailer for Objectified. 100 seconds of images from the film (with portraits of most of the Objectified cast) and the voices of Jonathan Ive, Andrew Blauvelt, Marc Newson, and Karim Rashid. And the font used in the trailer is... Akzidenz Grotesk! We hope you enjoy it!

Helvetica on PBS tomorrow night
Helvetica will have its US television debut tomorrow, January 6th, nationwide on PBS as part of the awesome Independent Lens series. It's a shortened version of the film (54 minutes versus the original 80) but with all the juicy bits still intact. Check your local PBS listings for exact date and time in your area. As part of the build-up to tomorrow's broadcast, PBS has launched a fairly extensive mini-site with loads of info, clips, and other treats, including the What Font Are You? game!

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